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Charlise Rice Books and Merch Logo

Creativo. Pensador. Escritor. Experto. Autor. Poeta.

Books by Charlise


Empowering Daily Affirmations: Harnessing Biblical Wisdom for Positivity and Growth (eBook)

Whether navigating challenges or enhancing your daily mindset, "Empowering Daily Affirmations" reminds you of the hope and strength found in faith. Let these powerful words uplift your heart and guide you toward a purpose, joy, and divine empowerment-filled life. Embrace the truth of who you are and step into your abundant life!​

Lea y reflexione sobre la palabra de Dios para orar a través del dolor. En este diario hay 52 escrituras bíblicas en las que puede concentrarse semanalmente. Estos pasajes de las Escrituras te ayudarán a procesar emociones de frustración, ansiedad, decepciones, reveses, estrés, preocupaciones o temores. Escribir es una buena manera de procesar y regular tus emociones. Véndelas encontrando tu paz y construyendo tu fortaleza en Dios con el poder de Su palabra. Charlise comparte parte de su testimonio y su viaje para afrontar sus problemas y experiencias de la vida. Estas Escrituras te ayudarán a salir adelante porque eres fuerte y estás hecho para durar.

Charlise Walker of Charlise Rice Books and Merch

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¡Presentando diferentes piezas cada semana de mi colección de joyas hechas a mano, libros autoeditados y productos que diseñé! ¡Aprenda sobre cada pieza cuando compre con Lise! ¡Quizás tenga un especial solo para que nos sintonices! Sintonízanos en Vivo ya sea por Facebook o YouTube.


Articles & Insights

Artículo de la entrevista de CanvasRebel

¡Estoy encantado de compartir mi tercera entrevista para un artículo profesional!En esta entrevista con CanvasRebel, analizo estrategias para reducir costos como propietario de una pequeña empresa y hacer pivotar mi negocio.y mis opiniones expertas sobre las redes sociales. Lee mi artículo informativo sobreLienzo Rebelde. 



canvas rebel article Meet Charlise Walker

About Charlise R. Walker

Charlise was born and raised on the eastside of Detroit, Michigan. She loves to write. Writing is a way to release built-up emotions with poetry, talking about her testimony, or helping someone with her professional knowledge.
Charlise currently lives with her family in north Dallas, TX. She is a Human Resources Specialist, Professional Resource Specialist, and has earned her Master’s degree in Management in Nonprofit Leadership. She is passionate about helping people have the necessary skills to be prepared for the job market and overcome job preparation barriers. She provides professional services, encourages, and offers educational advice with her business, Lise’s Business Enterprise. With Charlise Rice Books and Merch, this allows her to share her creative side with self-published books, designs, handmade jewelry, and home decor collections.
Charlise is enlightened to share her experiences and testimonies as well as having the ability to help the community. Charlise has a down-to-earth personality and is not ashamed to tell where her story began. Additional books under Pen name Charlise Rice.

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